AdEPorto, formally known as the Porto Energy Agency, is a private non-profit association with Public Utility status, established on March 1, 2007.

About the initiative
AdEPorto, formally known as the Porto Energy Agency, is a private non-profit association with Public Utility status, established on March 1, 2007. It operates a one-stop shop (OSS) service for energy-efficient home renovations, launched in September 2022 funded by Horizon 2020. Integrated into existing municipal frameworks, the OSS supports homeowners in six municipalities across the Porto Metropolitan Area. AdEPorto acts as a facilitator, guiding homeowners through the renovation process with services ranging from initial consultations to securing funding and ensuring quality. While focused on addressing energy poverty, the OSS aims to make energy-efficient renovations accessible to all, leveraging its extensive partnerships and local expertise to meet community needs.
More about the initiative
To learn more about the offerings, impacts, and the success of the project, you can download the written success case
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