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This report answers the need to establish a policy roadmap for maximising the uptake of on-bill schemes in the EU residential market. In brief, on-bill schemes use the utility bill as a repayment vehicle and bring different actors into a building renovation project. Certain features of on-bill schemes that are not easily found in other financing instruments can help strike a balance between the interests of different renovation participants and resolve barriers to energy renovation. In addition, due to their large-scale implementation potential, on-bill schemes can be a powerful tool for reaching EU decarbonisation goals. The report starts by listing 11 potential barriers for on-bill uptake in the EU, grouping them by source – homeowner, utility/financial institution or market related.
This report focuses on identifying viable business models (BM) for integrated home renovation services (IHRS) for homeowners’ associations (HOAs) in the Netherlands and Flanders. The aim is to support clear identification of how to activate IHRS for condominiums, if applicable, in close collaboration with cities and regions. This work should serve the development of suitable practices covering expectations regarding the adaptation of existing IHRS BMs in the European Union (EU)
The document presents the methodology used to collect different local experiences, and the main outcomes and conclusions derived from the practical implementation of different tailor-made Business Model Framework (BMFs) in the UP-STAIRS pilot OSSs. Although the implementation activities varied as a result of different local market conditions, there are common findings from all five pilot OSSs, which proved to be important and necessary to be taken into account.
This report has been developed as part of the REFINE project (Mainstreaming of refinancing schemes as an enhancer for the implementation of energy efficiency service projects). A refinancing scheme is understood as an approach whereby an EES (Energy Efficiency Service) provider sells to a refinancing institution the receivables to be paid by an EES client. This kind of scheme can help overcome certain financing barriers that frequently emerge in the EES business in general and represent a barrier for EES markets in most South and Eastern European countries.
The FinEERGo-Dom project’s goal was to replicate the successful implementation of the Latvian Building Energy Efficiency Facility (LABEEF). The core of the project was to establish a pipeline of renovation projects with guaranteed savings. The projects were to be carried out in collaboration with Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), using LABEEF’s Energy Savings Performance Contracts or Energy Performance Contracts (EPC + or EPC+) for renovation.
The objective of this report is to perform a thorough analysis of best practices in refinancing instruments for energy efficiency service (EES) in four REFINE project partner countries: Austria, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Latvia. The case studies will serve as model examples for the further development of the refinancing instrument concepts suitable for other EU countries. A structured description of each case study provides uniformity and comparability of the refinancing schemes.
In this report an overview is provided of different initiatives, business models, experiences and success cases, addressing the refurbishment of existing buildings across the world. The overview is fact based, and is intended to provide insights on the specific barriers, solutions and results. Technology benchmarks and details are provided in multiple other publications and is in this overview out of scope. A common characteristic of most successful business models is some kind of one-stop-shop approach, to tackle the common barrier of the complexity of a renovation journey combined with an innovative financing arrangement to overcome the barrier of the high up-front cost of renovations. Furthermore, creating customer awareness is signaled as an important success factor to create sufficient market traction. A total of 25 general barriers were identified hampering scaling renovation processes.
El presente documento ahonda en el instrumento financiero como herramienta necesaria para la escalabilidad y capilarización del servicio Opengela en la CAPV, fundamentándose en aportar soluciones a la ciudadanía, en el nuevo entorno socio-económico, cumpliendo con los siguientes objetivos: 1. Atraer capital privado, principalmente inversores institucionales 2. Diseñar y operar productos financieros específicos, reduciendo los costes operativos 3. Reducir el riesgo de las operaciones mediante la diversificación de la cartera en varios entornos 4. Aumentar la captación y análisis de datos de los proyectos activos.
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