BetterHome: An industry-driven one-stop-shop solution - video
Boosting renovation with an innovative service for home-owners. BetterHome: An industry-driven one-stop-shop solution, subject of the BPIE Innovation Briefing. For building owners, the renovation process can be a hassle, shaped by the ambiguity of the measures to implement. Uncertainty is one of the reasons why the renovation rate continues to linger around 1% and private investments remain limited. Achieving the full market potential of renovation calls for a paradigm shift, where a more service-oriented supply-side together with a deeper awareness on the demand-side play key roles. The BetterHome case study shows how innovative business models can drive energy renovations across Europe.

BetterHome: An industry-driven one-stop-shop solution - video
Boosting renovation with an innovative service for home-owners. BetterHome: An industry-driven one-stop-shop solution, subject of the BPIE Innovation Briefing. For building owners, the renovation process can be a hassle, shaped by the ambiguity of the measures to implement. Uncertainty is one of the reasons why the renovation rate continues to linger around 1% and private investments remain limited. Achieving the full market potential of renovation calls for a paradigm shift, where a more service-oriented supply-side together with a deeper awareness on the demand-side play key roles. The BetterHome case study shows how innovative business models can drive energy renovations across Europe.
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