Handbook: Deep renovation of multifamily residential buildings using Energy Performance Contracting

This handbook presents in a clear and simple manner both the theory and application for the renovation of multifamily buildings based on Energy Performance Contracting. The handbook addresses building built in series since the 50s, corresponding to more than 50m m2 in Latvia alone. It ofers solid grounding on building renovation and advice on improving building energy performance.

Handbook: Deep renovation of multifamily residential buildings using Energy Performance Contracting

This handbook presents in a clear and simple manner both the theory and application for the renovation of multifamily buildings based on Energy Performance Contracting. The handbook addresses building built in series since the 50s, corresponding to more than 50m m2 in Latvia alone. It ofers solid grounding on building renovation and advice on improving building energy performance.

Handbook: Deep renovation of multifamily residential buildings using Energy Performance Contracting

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